Asian Fisheries Society

The Performance of Antillean Wire Mesh Fish Traps Set on Coral Reefs in Northern Papua New Guinea


Sustained fishing with Antillean style S-shaped and arrowhead wire mesh fish traps was undertaken on and around coral reefs in northern Papua New Guinea. Catches by weight and numbers versus soak time conformed to asymptotic curves with maxima after five days immersion. Moonphase affected catch rates, with highest catches over the period of full moon. Over 30 different families of fish were taken by the traps, but in both trap designs, catches were dominated by surgeonfish (Acanthuridae). Other dominant components of the catch were groupers (Serrandiae), emperors (Lethrinidae) and parrotfish (Scaridae).

Publication Date : 1992-04-01

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Page : 89-102

Full text PDF
Date 1992/04/01
Abstract Hits 2538
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